I keep hearing about all the people who do not have during this difficult recessionary time. I keep hearing about all the programs the government at the state and federal level are telling us are necessary to help those who do not have. I look at the people I know and see how they are giving to those who do not have and something just is not adding up.
A small Bible study group Lynn and I are involved in raised hundreds of dollars just from a handful of families and provided Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas presents and a sizable gift card for two have not families. Church after church, civic group after civic group donated money and food for needy families during the Thanksgiving and into this Christmas season.
Our local PHC association here in Southeastern Michigan raised over $1,200.00 for Gleaner’s Community Food Bank. Additional money was giving by individual contractors to numerous groups who help others. At least five of the companies (there are only about 20 small companies) are having can food drives, giving customer discounts for cans of food and then giving the food to the Gleaner’s Community Food Bank. Literally thousands of cans have or will be given during November, December, and January.
During the Katrina disaster, thousands of people from the Detroit area alone went to Louisiana and Mississippi using their own time and money to get there. They worked tirelessly to rebuild the area with their sweat and love. Many were from faith based organizations and civic organizations. Thousands of others from around the country also made the trek to the hardest hit areas.
None of the folks or companies mentioned are wealth or exceptionally profitable, but they dug deep into their pockets and gave substantially to others with needs. Americans are a giving people when they know of a need. I’m a firm believer in limited government and the spirit of the American people. We do not need additional government handouts and programs. Perhaps we just need a few more Americans to see the needs of this world and get involved. I salute each of you who have given of your time, your money, and your talents. For those who have not or have only done so sparingly, consider doing it on 2010. It could be a New Year’s resolution that will give you a joy and satisfaction beyond understanding.